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Home :: ICANN

29 Jan 2008

Domain tasting to go away for real this time. ICANN

At last week's meeting, the ICANN board uncharacteristially did something and voted to make their fee of 20 cents per domain-year nonrefundable. They expect this to stop both domain tasting and NSI's frontrunning, which it certainly will. It's not clear when this change will go into effect, but it might be within a month.

It's items 5 and 6 in the draft minutes on ICANN's web site. (The ICANN staff uncharacteristically published the minutes soon after the meeting, another refreshing change.)

I wonder if Google will now undo their new rule about no ads on domains less than five days old.

posted at: 12:29 :: permanent link to this entry :: 2 comments
posted at: 12:29 :: permanent link to this entry :: 2 comments

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Supreme Leader
I thought the 20 cent fee was a one-time registration fee, not a per-year fee.

In any event, it's a great move. It won't end abusive practices, but it should curtail them substantially. By making tasting much more speculative and risky, it should make front-running much more speculative and risky.

(by Larry Seltzer 29 Jan 2008 18:01)

Yearly fee
The 20 cent fee is per domain per year. Hardly matters, tasters aren't going to register for multiple years.

(by John L 29 Jan 2008 18:06)

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