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27 Oct 2010
If you take a list of people for whom you don't have e-mail addresses, and
find e-mail addresses for them, that's called e-pending.
Different people do it in different ways.
The companies with giant junk mail address databases have e-mail addresses
for many of those addresses, so it's just a database lookup.
Others try to guess, so if your name is John Smith and you're with the
Generic Company, they'll try,, and
so forth.
Regardless of how it's done, e-mail to e-pended addresses is spam. Why?
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20 Oct 2010
About a month ago I reported a domain to ICANN which has the most
completely bogus WHOIS non-information I've ever seen. On Monday
they sent me this message.
Take a look at the WHOIS info in the message, which is exactly the
same as it was when I reported it. I realize that doing a good job
of compliance is hard, but really, we have computers. If
Knujon can recognize obviously
wrong WHOIS info, why can't ICANN?
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09 Oct 2010
The .LY domain is Libya, and their government recently
the registration of the short and snappy VB.LY, provoking great gnashing of teeth.
If you direct your attention to the address bar above this page, you'll note
that it's at JL.LY, equally short and snappy.
The .LY registry started allowing two letter second-level domains last
year, and there was a quiet land rush.
Now they restrict those domains to people actually in Libya, but say
they'll let us keep the ones we have. How concerned am I that they'll
take my domain away, too? Slightly, but not very.
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06 Oct 2010
This week I got an email newsletter from a patent law firm near Washington DC.
Since I didn't recognize the name of the firm, and the pharmaceutical patent
law they do isn't related to anything I do so I was pretty sure I wouldn't
have signed up and forgotten, and it was to my CAUCE address which I
wouldn't use if I did sign up, it was spam.
I was about to send of the usual mostly automatic report to their ESP, when
I noticed that several of the items were written by an old college friend
of mine. It wasn't out of the question that she'd put me on the list so I
could see what she's doing, but she'd have used my regular address if she
did. So I
forwarded it to her and asked if she knew why they'd sent it to me.
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CAUCE Online Clairvoyance Platforms Sanctioned for GDPR Violations 76 days ago
A keen grasp of the obvious Italian Apple Cake 881 days ago
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