Internet and e-mail policy and practice
including Notes on Internet E-mail


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30 Apr 2017

Oh, those wild and crazy new TLDs ICANN

Among the many issues affecting ICANN's thousand new TLDs is collisions, that is, the same name already used elsewhere. The other uses are non-standard and unofficial, but some names turn out to have been used a lot. One approach to see how bad the collisions are is controlled interruption, in which the TLD publishes wildcard records with obvious impossible values, in the hope that systems that use colliding names see them and do something about it.

The process is pretty simple. For 90 days the domain publishes records like these currently in the new .hotels TLD:

hotels. 3600 in a
hotels. 3600 in mx  10
hotels. 3600 in txt "Your DNS configuration needs immediate attention see"
hotels. 3600 in srv 10 10 0
*.hotels. 3600 in a
*.hotels. 3600 in mx  10
*.hotels. 3600 in txt "Your DNS configuration needs immediate attention see"
*.hotels. 3600 in srv 10 10 0
When the 90 days are up, the domain takes out the interruption records, and starts putting in real ones. That's the theory, and what the ICANN registry agreements require. The practice turns out to be different.

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21 Apr 2017

Craigslist gets a $40 million CAN-SPAM judgment Email

Classified ad site craigslist is famously protective of its contents. While they are happy for search engines like Google to index the listings, they really, really do not like third parties to scrape and republish their content in other forms. In 2013 craigslist sued a company called 3taps which had created an API for craigslist data. They also sued real estate site Padmapper, which showed craigslist and other apartment listings on a map, something craigslist didn't do at the time. After extensive legal wrangling, 3taps eventually gave up and in 2015 paid craigslist $1 million and shut down. Craigslist donated the money to the EFF which was a little odd since the EFF had generally supported 3taps.

One of 3taps' other customers was another real estate site Radpad, which kept showing craigslist listings after 3taps shut down.

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13 Apr 2017

M3AAWG Offers some Sensible Password Advice Internet
M3AAWG is a trade association that brings together ISPs, hosting providers, bulk mailers, and a lot of infrastructure vendors to discuss messaging abuse, malware, and mobile abuse. (Those comprise the M3.) One of the things they do is publish best practice documents for network and mail operators, including two recently published, one on
Password Recommendations for Account Providers, and another on Password Managers Usage Recommendations. Since I'm one of M3's senior technical advisers, I helped write them, but I think they're pretty good anyway.

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01 Apr 2017

Human rights and regular Internet users Internet

Human rights are a topic that came up several times at the IETF meeting that just ended. There's a Human Rights Research Group that had a session with a bunch of short presentations, and the featured two talks at the plenary asking Can Internet Protocols Affect Human Rights? The second one, by David Clark of MIT was particularly good, talking about "tussle" and how one has to design for it or else people will work around you. You can watch it here.

Although his talk was a lot better than most of the human rights stuff I've heard in technical fora, the rest of the discussion had the same old problem: true believers obsessing about a very narrow set of issues.

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