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Home :: ICANN

27 May 2019

Dead TLDs break 50 ICANN

Last November I wrote a post observing that with .DOHA and .ZIPPO handing back the keys to their TLDS, the count of abandonded TLDs had reached 45, and I wondered how much other destroyed value was hiding in new TLDs.

Now I am pleased (if that is the right word) to welcome .HONEYWELL, an American engineering company, .BNL, an Italian bank, .STARHUB, a Singapore telephone company, and .MOBILY and .موبايلي, a Saudi telephone company to the TLD boneyard bringing the count to 50. At this rate we'll see at least six more this year. See the ICANN web page for details.

Again, I can't feel too sorry for the big companies that wasted their money, but it's five more TLDs that won't be paying fees to ICANN, and five more reasons that it's nuts to be talking about another TLD round.

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